Return of local market and community’s space, Hua Wiang Tai.


Return of local market and community’s space, Hua Wiang Tai.

Hua Wiang Tai, once was the charming community’s space located in Nan old economic area with nostalgic surroundings. People use the space as a local market with its lively atmosphere but that was disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

DASTA area 6 and the Development Nan Youth Club (DNYC) with intention to bring back the Hua Wiang Tai community market lively atmosphere , tried working together inviting stakeholders, Hua Wiang Tai community representative, and group of youth in DNYC ‘Creative space management and development training course’ by experts from Research Center of Creative Architecture Bangkok University and creative economy district design from CEA-Creative Economy Agency (Public Organization), he expert trainers who also play important roles in monitoring Bangkok as the UNESCO creative city of design.

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